Johann Amos Comenius, who lived from 1592 to 1670, drafted the idea of Didactics from perception of the teaching and learning human in his groundbreaking work “Didactica Magna” on the basis of the greek philosopher Platon. In the Austrian National Library one can find more than 17.000 works about this Didactical view of the world. However, Comenius also described in his fundamental work the perception of the learning with the control of knowledge acquisition. He called this view Mathethics. The ÖNB (Austrian National Library) has only 10 works about Mathetics.
One can see that the difference in number of Didactical works to Mathethical works explains the dominant concept of control in Europe, which eventually was exported worldwide through colonialism.
Today we see the results of the Didactical control paradigm. It globally leads to a cannibalistic world order. Jean Ziegler appeals to free the world from this cannibalistic world order!
The Didactical control paradigm serves as enforcement the interests of the leading elite.
“We are doing everything right according to our answers of yesterday, while the problems are of tomorrow. A cause of this vicious circle lies in the culture of our research that is mostly characterized by the competition for project funds, reputation and influence.” Prof. Dr. Obrecht (Sociologist)
The elite use Didactics to cement their interests! However, the Mathethical thinking spaces are filled with the thoughts of great people, who since the beginning of time have anticipated, felt and known, that there is an alternative.
Paulo Freire in his book “Education, the practice of freedom”:
“If man doesn’t possess the abilities to understand the mystery of change, he remains the game ball.”
(Note: If man isn’t allowed to possess, recognize, practice, test or learn them)
It is the human task of MathEthics to bring the mystery of change alive. The inherent ethical attitude must also refer to it through its name
Courageous women and men are needed to disenchant Didactics (“die tactics”). Even Erich Fromm was aware of the mathethical reorientation in his book “Escape from Freedom”. He writes: “Man has been set free from outer bindings that could prevent him from doing and thinking what he esteems to be right. He would be free to act by his own will, if he knew what he wants, thinks and feels. But he doesn’t know it. He assimilates himself to anonymous authorities and takes over a self, that isn’t his own. The more he does this, the more unconscious he feels and the more he feels the need to adapt.”